The Vision & Story
While praying for a location to hold a New Year’s Day prayer gathering Patrick Steele, from Shellharbour in Australia felt God showed not just one but seven locations in this order; Wollongong Head Lighthouse, Hill 60, Windang Island, Bass Point, Saddleback Mountain, Mount Kembla & Bald Hill. At each location there was a person holding what looked like Olympic torches with a large flame. Patrick saw the seven locations and then his view zoomed out into space looking down at Australia and flames were lighting up across the nation from east to west. He felt moved by God that this was now a vision for a national call to prayer and he contacted Warwick Marsh the coordinator of Australia’s National Day of Prayer and Fasting to share the vision. Patrick felt God was showing him a prayer relay across Australia but he wasn't clear on how to stagger the timing of the gatherings; Warwick suggested sunrise which made perfect sense as the time moves from east to west, so the wave of prayer would follow the pattern of the vision. Warwick shared the vision with Indigenous Elders Ps Peter Walker and the National Day of Prayer and Fasting team, and they gave unanimous endorsement to the vision. As soon as the vision was shared people from other nations wanted to be a part of the prayer relay and on New Year's Day 2016 the first Sunrise Prayer Relay happened around the world from east to west with the rising of the sun.
New Year's Day Sunrise Prayer Relay 2016
With only 12 days to get the word out before New Year's Day 2016, people all across Australia and in other nations around the world prayed.
With only 12 days to get the word out before New Year's Day 2016, people all across Australia and in other nations around the world prayed.
#AusPrays2016 Sunrise Prayer Relay
On Saturday the 25th of June 2016 people around Australia and the world prayed at sunrise launching 7 Days of Prayer & Fasting leading up to the Australian Federal Election.
On Saturday the 25th of June 2016 people around Australia and the world prayed at sunrise launching 7 Days of Prayer & Fasting leading up to the Australian Federal Election.
40 Days Praying With America for America
As part of the 40 Days of Prayer with America for America, people all around the world prayed with America and for America at sunrise on Tuesday November 8th 2016 in the lead up to the American Presidential Election.
As part of the 40 Days of Prayer with America for America, people all around the world prayed with America and for America at sunrise on Tuesday November 8th 2016 in the lead up to the American Presidential Election.
New Year's Day Sunrise Prayer Relay 2017
People in over 23 nations started the New Year with prayer.
People in over 23 nations started the New Year with prayer.
New Year's Day Sunrise Prayer Relay 2018
People in over 50 nations, in over 150 public locations, and many more in private locations awakened the dawn with prayer.
People in over 50 nations, in over 150 public locations, and many more in private locations awakened the dawn with prayer.
New Year's Day Sunrise Prayer Relay 2019
With an emphasis on praying for souls to be saved believers in over 50 nations awakened the dawn with prayer.
With an emphasis on praying for souls to be saved believers in over 50 nations awakened the dawn with prayer.
New Year's Day Sunrise Prayer Relay 2020, 21, 22, 23, 24...
Thousands of people in over 70 nations in awakened then dawn with prayer.
Thousands of people in over 70 nations in awakened then dawn with prayer.